Frequently Asked Questions

Is the SURF program open to current freshmen?

Yes. Current freshmen (who will be rising sophomores in summer 2024) are welcome to apply. However, we find the candidates who are the most successful have made it through the Organic Chemistry Sequence, which is usually completed in sophomore year. 

I will have completed my undergraduate studies before the start of the summer 2024 fellowship. Can I still apply?

Unfortunately no. For purposes of the SURF program, undergraduates are students who will not yet have completed their undergraduate studies at the start of the summer fellowship.

Is the SURF program open to students outside of Notre Dame?

Yes. We welcome applications from undergraduate students at any university in the U.S.

What is the deadline for applying?

The deadline for summer 2024 applications is 8:00am Eastern on Thursday, February 1, 2024.

Does the Fellowship include housing and meals for the summer? Or transportation to the University?

Students awarded a paid fellowship will receive a $6,500 stipend (subject to taxes), paid semi-monthly over the course of the 10-week fellowship and a housing allowance of up to $4,500 (to be paid directly to housing provider by C-CAS). Fellowship recipients are responsible for covering their transportation to/from the site they are placed with and meals for the summer from the stipend or other personal funds. See additional questions below for information about on-campus and off-campus housing options.

What is the pay schedule? Will I have to pay taxes?

Paydays are the 15th and last day of each month. Given the University payroll process, the date of your first pay check will generally be 1-3 weeks after your start date.

The stipend is subject to the following taxes (subject to change):

  • U.S. federal income tax withholding (10-22%)
  • Indiana state income tax withholding (3.23%)
  • St. Joseph county income tax withholding (1.75%)
  • Social Security tax withholding (7.65%)

These taxes are withheld from your paychecks.

What are the dates of the 10-week fellowship?

The 2024 SURF program runs from May 28 - August 2

How many hours per week will I work?

The C-CAS Fellowships are full-time (40 hours/week maximum). Students will set their work schedule with their faculty mentor.

Can I have another on-campus job if I'm part of the SURF program?

No. The University allows students to work a maximum of 40 hours per week during the summer (all campus jobs combined). This means that students cannot participate in the SURF program on a full-time basis and at the same time hold any other paid, on-campus, summer position.

Can I take classes during the summer session while doing research?

Yes, as long as it is approved by your SURF faculty mentor. In some cases, you may need to work additional days (beyond a 10-week schedule) if you are not able to work the full 40 hours/week while taking a class.

Will I get academic credit for the Fellowship?


If I receive a Fellowship, what paperwork will I need to complete?

Students who are awarded and accept a Fellowship will receive detailed instructions regarding registration, housing/meals, safety training, and employment verification documentation. Also, students coming to Notre Dame will receive additional instructions during orientation after they arrive on campus (ID card, banking, student account, etc.)

What are my on-campus housing options? How much does it cost to live in the dorms?

Housing options will vary depending on which lab/university you're assigned to. For students coming to Notre Dame, on-campus, air-conditioned housing is available (and encouraged) in the summer for registered students in the SURF program. Visit the Residential Life website for information about summer 2023 housing costs: 2024 ND housing costs will be announced in the spring.

For students assigned to one of our partner univesities, information on housing options will be provided on an idividual basis.

What are the options for living off campus?

Housing options will vary depending on which lab/university you're assigned to. For students coming to Notre Dame, some students in the SURF program choose to live off campus. You may be able to find an apartment or house to lease at If you are interested in the possibility of sharing a nearby apartment or house with another student in the SURF program, contact Katie Cybulski. Please note: Not all off-campus housing options are furnished; be sure to determine this.

Besides the dining halls, what other options exist for on-campus meals during the summer?

For students coming to Notre Dame, a list of places to eat on campus may be found here: Most shorten their hours during the summer. The dining hall will likely open June 3.

Within walking distance, there are several off-campus eateries in Eddy Street Commons just south of campus, and other venues near campus. A supermarket is located east of campus. A taxi or Uber can take you to a multitude of restaurants within 10-15 minutes of campus.


  • The dorms have kitchenettes, not full kitchens. The kitchenettes are not equipped to accommodate 10 weeks of food storage and/or meal preparation for everyone in the dorm. However, you can purchase a small refrigerator for your dorm room. Students living on campus at Notre Dame are encouraged to purchase Domer Dollars to eat in the dining halls (beginning June 3). Domer Dollars can also be used at several other on- and off-campus eateries.


Section 2: Additional considerations for international students

As stated above, the SURF program welcomes applications from international students. Here is some additional information that may be helpful as you consider your summer options:

Social Security Number: International students in the SURF program, who are paid by Notre Dame, will need to provide a Social Security number (SSN). If you don't already have one, you will be required to apply for as soon as possible. The University can provide guidance on the process, and a Social Security office is located on the bus route just a few miles from campus. For tax purposes, international students in the SURF program will need to provide their SSN to the University before the end of their fellowship. The SSN application process does not delay receipt of paychecks.

U.S. bank account: Students in the SURF program receive their paychecks via direct deposit to their bank account. It must be a U.S. bank account, so international students in the SURF program will need to open a U.S. bank account when they arrive if they don’t already have one.

U.S.-based medical insurance requirement - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: The University requires all international students to carry medical insurance from a U.S.-based provider during their stay at Notre Dame (day of arrival through day of departure). International students will automatically be enrolled in and charged for the University health insurance unless they purchase another U.S.-based plan and follow the instructions to waive out of the University plan. Waive-out instructions will be emailed to international students’ Notre Dame email accounts prior to the beginning of the regular Summer Session. For 10 weeks of coverage in summer 202, the cost is approximately $713.

International students in the SURF program also will be provided a list of some U.S.-based alternatives to the Aetna program, and someone in University Health Services will be available by phone or email to review and pre-approve the plan students intend to purchase (before they purchase it) to ensure it meets University requirements.

More information is available at

Paying taxes and filing tax returns: As stated above, all students in the SURF program will have U.S. federal, state (Indiana), and county (St. Joseph) income taxes withheld from their semi-monthly paychecks. In addition, all fellowship recipients will be required to file both federal and state income tax returns by April 15, 2025 for income earned in the U.S. in the tax year 2023. The tax returns are mandatory and will determine if you are entitled to a refund of some/all of your income tax withholdings, or if you owe additional income taxes. Notre Dame offers international students a discount with Sprintax for preparing both federal and state tax returns. (Sprintax prepares the returns, but students still have to file the returns on time with the Internal Revenue Service.) More details will be provided to students who participate in the SURF program.

Phones: Depending on whether or not students have international roaming on their cell phones, they may or may not need U.S. SIM cards. However, international roaming is usually very expensive, so if students want to make several calls per week to U.S. numbers, then they will want to buy a pay-as-you-go U.S. SIM card at one of the stores near campus. WhatsApp, Google Meet/Duo, Signal, Messenger, etc., are convenient ways to communicate when students are on campus. They work with the campus Wi-Fi and have text, audio and video calling facilities. You can also use Google Voice or Skype to make inexpensive domestic and international calls via your cellular data or the campus Wi-Fi.