Dalia Biswas

Photo of Dalia - Biswas

Associate Professor
Whitman College

Dr. Biswas’s research focuses on developing active site modeling of bioinorganic systems and studying organic/inorganic small molecules to predict their chemical behavior using various computational tools. She received an NSF grant to conduct her active site modeling of molybdenum oxotransferase enzymes that oxidize small molecules by transferring oxygen atoms from water molecules while generating protons and electrons during catalysis. In addition, she is interested in designing functionally analogous biomimetic model complexes for splitting water molecules. 

Biswas completed her B. Sc. (honors) degree in Chemistry from Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, and obtained her doctoral degree in inorganic chemistry from the University of Montana under the supervision of Prof. Edward Rosenberg. Before joining Whitman College, Biswas conducted her postdoctoral research in bioinorganic chemistry with Prof. David Dooley and Prof. Robert Szilagyi at Montana State University.